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Programmable Coil Winding Machines (Euro Series)

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"EURO WINDER" use latest technology in coil winding which are aimed for better quality and fast production. The machine uses 8 bit microcontroller to accomplish the given task. With lot of processing power the machine has got actual control over program flow for better performance. These machines are dependable and user friendly. 

"EURO WINDER" machine is designed for linear coil winding use and supports different type of coil windings such as regular winding, layer winding, sine speed winding etc, with maximum of 15 tapings. This machine is having 399 program bank with password facility.

Range :

Wire Diameter : .002 mm to 1.100 mm [depend on model]
Traverse movement : 90 mm
Bobbin size : 99.9 mm
Wire cut sensor : self detecting

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